SH Database

All forms of advertising – web-based access to insertions data from print media, online trading and radio stations – are collected, analyzed, categorized and made available on a daily basis. A summary of published ads and associated client and budget data is displayed in a tabular and graphic form according to objective, technical, regional and other criteria specified by the user.


Along with carefully scrutinizing their direct competition, media firms must also monitor and analyze developments in the sector as a whole, including goings-on outside their own distribution areas. The special publication report, for example, provides a weekly overview of rankings on special issues with respect to the number, scope and revenues of special issues for each group. Comprehensive responses are provided to questions relating to the success of a variety of special issues.

Motor Vehicle Review

Using a large database on nationwide motor vehicle stocks over the past several years it is possible to search for specific models sorting by region or technical details and obtain a summary of sales prices for selected sales dates.

Broker Potential

This database brings together information about real estate properties being sold through brokers as published in property marketplaces nationwide. It provides an overview of all properties currently available in a variety of regions. This includes data on the type of property, type of contract, size, price, location, period publicized, etc.

Individual Statistical Data

We are glad to answer any questions you may have on specific issues relating to conditions and developments in particular market segments and can provide you with data series on the topic.

About AdVision digital

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D-20097 Hamburg
Telefon+49 (40) 24 42 48 - 0
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